Source code for wrappedbrowser.wrappedbrowser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Main module."""

import webbrowser

from wrappedbrowser.errors import InvalidDestinationError

[docs]def open(destination, browser_type=None): """Opens a single url or a list of urls. ``destination``: If it's a string, it's opened if possible in a new window. If it's a list, all url-s are opened. ``browser_type``: Optional. If provided, it's passed to the `webbrowser.get` function. """ browser = _get_browser(browser_type) if isinstance(destination, str): browser.open_new(destination) return if isinstance(destination, list): _open_multiple(destination, browser) return raise InvalidDestinationError
def _open_multiple(urls, browser): browser.open_new(urls[0]) if len(urls) > 1: for u in urls[1:]: browser.open_new_tab(u) def _get_browser(btype): if btype is None: return webbrowser.get() return webbrowser.get(btype)